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Automation, silicon design/debug, systems programming, web development, reverse engineering, information security, audio/video processing.
Computer Engineering B.S.
Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Computer Security, Multiprocessor Synchronization, Neural Modeling, Analog Circuit Design, Digital Circuit Design, Computer Architecture, Embedded & Real-Time Software, Embedded Microprocessor Systems Design, Communication Systems, Signal Processing
Silicon Validation Engineer
System-on-Chip IP testing and validation in pre- and post-silicon environments; developing directed tests, test automation infrastructure, and silicon debug tools.
Undergraduate Engineering Teaching Assistant
In-class TA for ENGN1630 “Digital Electronics Systems Design.” Taught digital logic, circuit prototyping, and hardware description languages. Held regular lab hours. Assisted students with designing and debugging circuits.
Undergraduate Computer Science Teaching Assistant
In-class TA for CSCI0170/0180 “Computer Science: An Integrated Introduction.” Taught functional and object-oriented programming, data structures, algorithms, analysis. Worked closely with professors to develop pair-programming labs and problem sets. Work included grading homeworks, interactive project grading sessions, holding weekly office hours, and running lab sections.
Web Developer and Designer
Frontend and backend redesign for the non-profit organization. Integrated Salesforce member database with e-commerce solution using PayPal and Google Checkout APIs. HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Joomla. guitar tab suggestions; Clojure, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery.
Remote power monitoring and outlet switching; ARMv7 SoC, Linux, Busybox, XMPP, Clojure, Google AppEngine.